About Us

Get to know more about PRIC

Our Mission

To provide World's Best Holistic Rheumatology Care

The Story From Inception to

Embark on our compelling narrative that revolves around a profound passion for well-being, an unwavering dedication to healthcare excellence.


Happy Patient


Years of Excellent

Our Vision

Promote positive health.

Different people define health differently- for some it is looking good (being in shape) while for many people it is just absence of disease.

But we believe being Healthy is much more than that. According to World Health Organization (WHO) being healthy is a state of complete physical, mental, social well-being and not merely absence of disease or infirmity.

At PRIC we do treat your illness but our job doesn't end there. We believe in going the extra mile. We provide holistic care focusing not only on the physical domain of health but also mental, social & spiritual well-being. Our focus is not just on illness but also on wellness.


Our Values

योग: कर्मसु कौशलम् 

Excellence in work is Yoga (Union with Divine) The Bhagwad Gita

Honesty & Transparency

Compassion and commitment.

Provide the latest and the best treatment in a cost effective manner

Individualized personal care- we deal with humans & not just illness

Remain updated with latest technology- we maintain a futuristic approach but our feet remain grounded in the wisdom of ages


Our Specialization

Rheumatic disorders & Autoimmune that include Arthritis, Joint Muscle & Bone diseases, Connective tissue disorders, Prolonged fever, Pain syndromes, Unexplained chronic illnesses, autoimmune blood disorders and various other systemic immune diseases.

Our Inspiration

YOU- yes you are our inspirationWe consider it our privilege to serve the suffering; to enable them to lead their life with Dignity & Independence.
